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  • 卫生与健康中心宣布任命Dr. 尼古拉斯·甘森担任网赌送跳槽彩金大全临时院长

    卫生与健康中心高兴地宣布任命. 尼古拉斯·甘森担任网赌送跳槽彩金大全临时院长, effective July 1, 2024. Dr. Ganson, an esteemed academic and dedicated member of the 希腊的大学 community, will bring his extensive experience and leadership to this vital role. Dr. Ganson is Associate Professor of History and Co-chair of the Literature and History Program at 希腊的大学. He is also the Director of the New York Life Insurance Company Center for the Study of Hellenism in Pontus and Asia Minor. His academic journey is marked by a profound dedication to the study and teaching...

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  • 从新罗马到古罗马-圣. 海伦的朝圣2024

    在圣十字院长的领导下,神父. Eugen J. 彭蒂科,并与Fr. Philip Zymaris和Fr. Bartholomew Mercado, the faculty and students participating in St. Helen’s Pilgrimage completed the first two stages of their pilgrimage to Constantinople and Rome. 在君士坦丁堡, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew granted them an audience at which he greeted the pilgrims and extended his Patriarchal blessings upon them. Fr. Pentiuc笔记, “In my private audience with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, I conveyed the best wishes of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and President Dr. 德米特里加藤...

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  • Inaugural Senior Recognition Luncheon Honoring 希腊的大学’s Class of 2024 Academic Achievements

    5月15日星期三, 2024年12点,在马里奥蒂斯文化中心东翼, 希腊的大学 held the first annual senior recognition luncheon honoring the academic achievements of the class of 2024. The event was co-sponsored by the office of the Dean and by the Mentoring & 网赌送跳槽彩金大全顾问委员会. 根据博士的开场白. 盖Patitsas, 希腊的临时院长, “There were three main goals for today’s luncheon: to appreciate our seniors; to celebrate the art of scholarship done well as a good in its own right; and, 因为我们需要你, the...

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  • 尊敬的辛纳达主教安东尼

    (星期六, April 20, 2024, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America ordained Bishop Anthony of Synada at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Axios! 陛下的家人, 的教主的住处, 当地的神职人员, and many Greek Orthodox faithful gathered for this special ordination. Hierarchs in attendance include Archbishop Demetrios former of America, 旧金山的格拉西莫斯大都会, 北塞尔维亚东正教会的伊里奈主教, 中南美洲, 纳齐安索斯的雅典娜哥拉主教, 斐洛密略主教狄奥芬, 以及迪奥克莱亚的奈克塔里奥斯主教.  Also attending the ceremony was Bishop Anba Suriel of the Coptic Orthodox Church, a colleague in...

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  • HCHC宣布2024名获奖者

    网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 will once again recognize a couple for their exemplary vision and leadership in the Church. Helen and Archon Louis Nicozisis will each receive an honorary doctorate from 圣十字希腊东正教神学院 at the upcoming 82nd Commencement on May 18, 2024. This highest honor the school can bestow will be granted to them for the impact they have made at Holy Cross and across the Archdiocese in the field of missions and evangelism. 生活和服务60年的伙伴, Archon Primikirios Louis and Helen Nicozisis have exemplified the Greek-American dream. 他们是忠实的东正教教徒...

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  • Holy Cross School of Theology’s ThM Program Earns Coveted Spot on Forbes’ List of Top One-Year Online Master’s Programs

    Brookline, MA(四月十七日), 2024): – Holy Cross School of Theology is thrilled to announce that its Master of Theology Degree (ThM) program has been recognized by Forbes as one of the top one-year online master's programs in high-impact fields. This prestigious accolade underscores the school's commitment to delivering exceptional theological education that is both accessible and academically rigorous. 于2022年在牧师富有远见的领导下成立. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc, 圣十字神学院院长, 尊敬的老师们, ThM在线课程旨在提供先进的, 面向全球学生的研究型神学教育, 不管...

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  • 穿越三重奏乐队, Holy Week, 和Pascha – A Series of Video Reflections by Holy Cross Faculty

    圣十字希腊东正教神学院 Announces 穿越三重奏乐队, Holy Week, 和Pascha的一系列视频反思由院长Fr. Eugen J. 彭蒂科和圣十字学院 © 写字间倡议 圣十字希腊东正教神学院 is launching the first fruits of 写字间倡议 with a series of Lenten and Holy Week Reflections beginning on Sunday, 2月26日,圣十字学院全体教职员工. 这个系列,由院长Fr. Eugen J. 彭蒂科和圣十字学院, 题为《网赌送跳槽彩金大全》, Holy Week, 和Pascha. On each...

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  • 网赌送彩金平台大全任命新校长

    德米特里年代. Katos has been appointed President of 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字 (HCHC). 他将于2024年2月1日上任. He comes to HCHC from Northeastern University, where he is Associate Director of Leadership Giving. 从事高等教育25年, 也当过院长, 宗教研究教授, 网赌送跳槽彩金大全教务长. “I’m humbled and excited to be the next President of 网赌送跳槽彩金大全圣十字,” Katos said. “我期待着建立一个等级联盟, clergy, laity, trustees and alumni to collaborate with the talented faculty and staff of our beloved School. 我们会一起...

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  • REV. DR. EUGEN J. 彭蒂克被任命为圣十字学院院长

    Rev. Dr. Eugen J. Pentiuc has been appointed Dean of 圣十字希腊东正教神学院, 1月1日生效, 2024. His appointment follows an external international search coupled with a decanal nomination by the Faculty of Holy Cross. Fr. 彭蒂科于1998年加入圣十字学院, became tenured Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages in 2009, and since 2018 has been Archbishop Demetrios Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins. Fr. Pentiuc, 他在罗马尼亚有四十年的牧师经验, Israel, Germany ,和美国, 是美国希腊东正教大主教管区的原长老. He holds...

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  • DR. 帕蒂萨斯参加他的第一部电影的全球首映式

    Dr. 盖Patitsas, Interim Dean of 希腊的大学 and Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics at 圣十字希腊东正教神学院, 参加了他的纪录片短片的全球首映式, 安非罗基奥斯:帕特莫斯的圣人, 在休斯敦希腊电影节上, Texas, 在周六, 11月18日, 2023. The film is the first production from Beauty First Films, co-founded by Dr. Patitsas and Thomaida Hudanish, and was an official selection of the festival. Amphilochios is a thirty-minute documentary exploring the life and spiritual legacy of the beloved twentieth-century saint, 在他的第一次四月庆祝活动中拍摄的...

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